Our Services

Sustainable solutions and agile management of your IT assets throughout their technology lifecycle.

Adopting a circular value in which resources are continuously reused


Reduce your Capex with pre-owned equipment

Check how Novaltti’s ICT equipment can considerably lower your IT Capex costs.


Reduce your Opex with 3rd party Maintenance

plus, lower your Opex with third party maintenance for all your multi-vendor equipment.

Optimize your Total Cost of Ownership

IT services. E2E lifecycle management. Disruptive innovation to reduce your TCO costs.

Get a second RoI on your EoL equipment

Get a return on your legacy equipment with our IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) program.

Multi-brand IT products

Third-party IT Maintenance

Circular White64

IT Lifecycle management

IT value recovery (ITAD)

Establishing a circular economy framework in ICT is a fundamental requirement in minimizing E-waste and using resources more efficiently.

From affordable hardware supply, hardware maintenance, all the way to take-back, remarketing and recycling, we have defined our services to address every stage of your technology life, enabling you to maximize the value of your IT infrastructure and increase sustainability across the product lifecycle, end-to-end. We maximize the value of your IT infrastructure and increase sustainability across the product lifecycle. End-to-End (E2E).

Start here

Pre-owned equipment supply

we offer cost-efective flexible solutions for your IT, Networking, Server and Storage needs.

We can help you to reduce your IT costs significantly with pre-owned products that are quality assured and come with extensive warranty. Talk to us to know which products we offer with lifetime warranty.


Lead brands.

Renting & Leasing.

IT life extension.

Extended warranty.

Fully tested – Working 100%.

Third-party Maintenance

Extend the life of your IT multi-brand infrastructure and reduce your operating costs all in one flexible contract.

We offer customized high-quality and cost-effective support for your post-warranty IT, Networking and Data center hardware.

Our services are tailored to meet your specific requirements and service level agreement (SLA). We support all leading manufacturers in the world.

TPM Services

Tailor made hardware maintenance.

Flexible SLAs.

Advance hardware replacement – Hardware as a service (HaaS).

IT lifecycle management

We offer strategic IT services to meet all your infrastructure needs. In a world that became far more complex and extremely competitive, understanding the true value of the IT in an organization is fundamental for its own long term survival.

We are committed to understanding each customer’s unique needs and requirements to ensure the best delivery of strategic services in a model that guarantees a competitive advantage.

Extending the useful life of your IT


Discovery and Documentation

Program/Project management.

Secure Data Erasure.

On-demand Smart-Hands.

Release management.

Professional Services (IMAC).

Take back (IT Asset Disposition) Services

Successful asset management made easy. We help our customers to responsibly dispose their obsolete or unwanted IT equipment. Our ITAD process minimizes costs and maximizes return. Equipment we refurbish adheres to the best standards to deal with proven brands such as Cisco, Juniper, HP, DellEmc and many more. With safety and environmental protection in mind, any assets that cannot be reused or repurposed are sent to our networks of certified recycle partners who transform them into the elements of a new product avoiding landfills.

Sustainability and the circular value are deeply rooted in our corporate values and mission.

ITAD - IT Asset Disposition


Asset recovery.

Secure data erasure.

Remarketing – Repare – Reuse.

Demanufactoring – Recycling.